Tin Can Sailors was founded in 1976. The mission of Tin Can Sailors is threefold:
- To educate and broaden the public’s understanding of the contribution made by destroyers and those who served aboard them and to promote and to preserve destroyer history.
- To support today’s destroyer Navy and encourage understanding of its importance and mission.
- To promote camaraderie among our members through many events, our magazine, library, website, social media and by facilitating reunions of former shipmates.
Tin Can Sailors is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. We are recognized by the Internal Revenue Service under Section 501(c)(3). Contributions to Tin Can Sailors may be tax deductible as allowed by law. Tin Can Sailors files annual reports (Form 990) with the Internal Revenue Service and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Attorney General’s Division of Public Charities.
Our magazine, The Tin Can Sailor, is published four times a year. We do not sell our mailing list nor do we make our mailing list available to other organizations. The magazine is sent to all members of Tin Can Sailors. Free copies are also sent to all active Destroyers and Frigates and to destroyer veterans who cannot afford to send money but who have asked to receive the magazine. Learn more about membership to Tin Can Sailors.
Tin Can Sailors makes grants to several historic ships. All of those ships are operated by 501(c)(3) educational/charitable organizations. See our Grant Program page for more information. Learn more about the Destroyers We Support.
Tin Can Sailors, Inc. is independently audited annually. The audited statements are available upon request. We believe that non-profit, tax-exempt organizations should be very open about their revenue sources and expenses.
Tin Can Sailors Board of Directors
Richard Angelini
Michael Bugara, DL-4, DD-858
Rosehn Gipe
Roger Novak, DD-847, DD-837
Meghan Rathbun
Ed Taicsich, DD-970
Honorary Director/ Advisory Member
RADM Samuel J. Cox, USN (Ret.), Historian
Advisory Member
CAPT Gerry Roncolato (Ret.)
Advisory Member
Ed Zajkowski
Governing Body
We are governed by a board of directors. Questions regarding Tin Can Sailors operations should be directed to:
Rosehn Gipe, President
c/o PO Box 100
Somerset, MA 02726
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