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Our Policy Statement

From time to time Tin Can Sailors receive requests from members and from attorneys wanting us to discuss certain issues in print or to take a stand for or against them. These include such topics as asbestos, flag burning, and support for attempts to acquire destroyers as museums for particular cities. It is not our function to be an advocacy group for or against any of these causes, no matter how obvious they may seem. Tin Can Sailors exists to preserve the histories of the various ships that we represent and to aid and promote camaraderie among shipmates.

There are many groups out there who represent veterans who have asbestosis. It’s what they do and they are good at it. There are groups whose cause is protecting the flag. They, too, are good at it because it is what they do. It is not what we do because it is not who we are or what we are about.

It seems that some would have us be all things to all people and that is not practical. We could advocate for or against issues, certainly, but we would not be very good at it. We would not be effective in promoting issues because we are not set up to do that. To spend time, energy, or money on advocacy means that amount of time and energy and money is not available to be used in preserving the histories and camaraderie that we exist to support.

So before asking a group to support a cause that you believe in, remember to ask for that support from a group well suited to providing it. And when you want to read about, hear about, or talk about ships and Navy experiences, think of TCS.

If you have any additional questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at (508) 677-0515.

Privacy Policy

Our greatest asset is the trust our members have in our organization. To ensure we are deserving of that trust, we take steps to protect their privacy while still allowing maximum communications with their shipmates. Specifically:

1) Names and addresses of our members are routinely made available to their ship reunion group(s). If you do not want your name given to your ship’s reunion group, just let us know. The lists we provide to ship reunion associations are marked “Confidential” and are accompanied by a statement of the uses allowed and not allowed of the data.

2) In rare instances, name and address information is made available to relatives of deceased shipmates or others who we feel have a legitimate interest in contacting veterans from a particular ship. Again, if you do not want your name given out in such situations, just let us know.

3) Name and address information is never made available to commercial/marketing firms without advance permission from the member.

4) The amounts of membership contributions made to Tin Can Sailors by individuals are never disclosed to anyone. Contributions to our Grant Program and Tributes/Memorium however, are listed in our newspaper unless the contributor requests they be anonymous.

5) If you purchase something from our Ship’s Store, we never share that information with commercial/marketing firms.

Questions? Just send us a note through our Message Center.

Updated May 2012

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