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Hotel: Four Points by Sheraton

Location: Nashville, TN

Date: 04/20/2016 - 04/24/2016

Chaired By: Philip Michel

Attendance: 58 total/26 shipmates


The 34th Annual Reunion of the USS Cony was held this year in Brentwood, Tennessee. For those concerned about reunion attendance numbers in years past, worry no more! I am happy and proud to report that our numbers did substantially increase from last year’s attendance record. Way to go Cony! As an example of wny our numbers may have increased, we were thrilled to see the return of some ‘missing in action’ sailors. Most notably, after Oliver Davis’ long absence from the reunions, he returned to us bringing along his new and lovely wife Dolly. They were a reunion hit, especially the last night when Fred Astaire (aka Oliver) danced the night away with at least half a dozen of the Cory gals! Most reunion-goers arrived onWednesday, April 20th, to settle in and spend some enjoyable time catching up with treasured friends and shipmates in the Reunion Hospitality Room. As with most Cony Reunions, the Hospitality Room was consistently filled with snacks, libations, storytelling and a good time

On Thursday, April 21st, most attendees went on a bus tour of Nashville. Shortly after returning to this year’s hotel, the Four Points Sheraton, everyone headed to the downstairs ballroom for a scrumptious buffet dinner. The only portino of the night better than the food was our surprise entertainment. We had not one but two guests! First, a talented Magician and Comedian who treated us to numerous tricks with cards and rope and so forth. However, his comedic relief was the real highlight of his act, as evidenced by the contat laughter heard throughout the evening. Second, an Elvis Presley impersonator dazzled us with fan favorites such as “Return to Sender”, “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and an incredibly moving rendition of “An American Trilogy”. Needless to say, there were more than a few bigtime Elvis fans in the audience of the female persuation and several elvis svarves were given out

On Friday, April 22nd, the buses were loaded for transportatino to an afternoon luncheon and sightseeing cruise on the General Jackson Showboat. The General Jackson is a 300 foot long paddle wheel riverboat, which holds the distinction of being the largest showboat in the world. While we headed down the Cumberland River, enjoying another diet-killing buffet, we watched a live show of inspiring melodies sung by the General Jackson Showboat performers. There were many old-time favorites plus the sounds of today’s contemporary country music. The skilled singers and musicians put on an incredible show that was enjoyed by all. Later that night, we were all issued fromt row seating at Nashville’s musical gem . . . the Grand Ole Opry. The sold-out auditorium overflowed with enthusiastic country music fans. Including bus-loads of high school teenagers that kept the energy level at a maximum throughout the night. There were too many performers to name them all but some of the best included: Exile who performed their 1978 top ten song “I Want to Kiss You All Over”, Ricky Skaggs who served up some top-notch blue grass, and Josh Turner who performed his 1 smash hit “Would You Go with Me”. A huge hearwarming highlight of the show was the fact that the Cony had several mentions throughout the performances. Additionaly, the shipmates were asked to stand and be recognized for their service. This met with rousing applause and cheers by everyone. In case the Cony sailors were not already feeling special enough, at the last minute, a song was changed that had been previously scheduled to a military song (albeit an Army tune), in their honor. What a night!

On Saturday, April 23rd, the Annual USS Corry Memorial Ceremony was held and, yet again, Phil and Cindy Michel had a big surprise in store for us. While attendees were hanging out in the front of the hotel and admiring the long line of US flags posted for the event, you could suddenly hear the roar of dozens of motorcycles approaching. We were overwhelmed to witness the arrival of the Patriot Guard Riders! The Patriot Guard Riders is a diverse group of riders from across the nation. They have one thing in common besides motorcycles . . . an unwavering respect for those who risk their very lives for America’s freedom and security. They were proud to come and honor the Cony Sailot Heroes from the Greatest Generation, WWII, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam. This was made evident by the amount of time they spent with us and their willingness to pose for multiple photos. The Cony was additionally fortunate to have the American Legion Riders, Post6, on hand to provide the Honor Guard for the Memorial opening ceremonies. Our own Cony Sailor, Charlie Liken, had his trumpet on hand for a beautiful rendition of Taps to close the event. As always, it was quite a moving ceremony.

On Saturday night, our annual Farewell Banquet took place in grand fashion. Reunion-goers entered the ballroom to find tables set with beautiful patriotic centerpieces: Naval sailor hats filled with blue and gold sparkle. Cony coffee mugs fill with red carnations and US flags, and red, white and blue crotched hangers. All place settings also included a gorgeous glass with the US Navy seal etched on it and the following wording “USS Cony DD/DDE 508 34th Annual Reunion Nashville, Tennessee April 20-24 2016”. A lone table with a single setting was present in the corner with a standing floral tribute and a card on it that read “In honor of all those who served on the USS Cony and paid the ultimate sacrifice. We shall never forget!” It was obvious from the first glance, this was going to be a night to remember. After seats were taken, the soiree opened with Cindy Michel and Forrest Springer entering the ballroom decked out in Country / Western apparel and dancing to the good ole “Tennessee Waltz”. The scene was adorable! The Michels had more surprises on hand for door prizes than just the ceterpieces and hangars. Attendees were issued tickets to win beautiful Cony labeled drinking flasks and mini-notebooks. The biggest surprise of them all was pulled off by Cindy Michel. She did a phenomenal job of compiling a USS Cony Tribute video. The fifteen minute video opened to the tune of “Anchors Away” and went through a history of the Cony from ship creation through its many years of service. She successfully found and included several of our own sailor boys from their days on ship. My sister and I were able to clearly recognize Roger Rieman as a young sailor! The video was fantastic and a real treat for all of us.

Just hosting a reunion with coordination of the hotel, events, trips, transportation and food is enough work for anyone. As agreed to by everyone, Cindy and Phil Michel went way above and beyond all of that this year. God bless them for all their hard work and effort. A million thanks to them for an incredibly memorable Nashville reunion!